About Me

Hi!  My name is Zoe and welcome to my blog!

I am a stay at home mom of two and as much as I wouldn’t trade it for the world it is not filled with Hallmark moments.  Perspective is everything and I always try and look at the brighter side of being a sleep deprived, unfit stay at home mom.  I am frazzled most of the time but I find humor in simple everyday situations.  Kids can be funny!

I blog about everyday life and my hope is to connect with other moms out there just trying to get through the day while keeping their sense of humor intact.  Us moms have to stick together, we are outnumbered by our kids. In addition to my blog you can follow me on all of the usual social networks.  You can also subscribe to my email list and get my blog posts right to your inbox.

If you have questions then please feel free to drop me a line.